CIS Abroad Blog:
The latest stories from CIS Abroad alumni, staff, and friends.
Why I'm Still Studying Abroad Next Spring | Testimonials Before Departure
My Summer Impact | Virtual Intern Blog from Ecuador
From Disappointed Aspiring Traveler to a Pioneer in the Future of Internships | Student Blog from South Africa
A new opportunity shined its light over me and many other students who had great plans to intern abroad As COVID-19 swept across the world this year, graduations were canceled, weddings were postponed... Continue Reading
My Engineering Virtual Internship | Student Blog from Ecuador
My summer working in Argentina from home | Intern Blog
5 Virtual Internship Success Tips from Winnie the Pooh
My name’s Liam, and I’ve spent the last couple months working remotely as an intern for the New Zealand-based non-profit Skylight Trust. I learned so much about how to work remotely across cultures th... Continue Reading
My Semester Studying Abroad In South Korea | Student Blog from Seoul
Celebrating Juneteenth! | 7 Blog Posts by Our Black Alumni
To celebrate Juneteenth this year, we’re #AmplifyingMelanatedVoices by sharing blog posts written by our Black alumni. CIS Abroad believes that Black students should have the opportunity and support t... Continue Reading
CIS Abroad Statement on Racial Violence
With a heavy heart, I write to you to acknowledge the incidents occurring across our country today, and the racial violence that so many have suffered for so long. The killing of George Floyd in Minne... Continue Reading