Background about the series
We understand how deeply our field has been and will continue to be impacted by COVID-19.
At CIS Abroad, we had big plans for this summer; we planned to take our entire company to Greece to celebrate our 20th anniversary, to experience one of our program locations, have fun, and provide our staff with an opportunity for professional development through knowledge and skill building. I’m sure it comes as no surprise that we have pivoted. We have found other opportunities and ways to develop our remaining staff.
We imagine you and your offices are also facing similar challenges:
- Potential staffing shifts
- The need to upskill quickly on new topics
- The desire to keep campus allies engaged in internationalization efforts
We have partnered with IEP, an organization we have worked closely with for many years, to help our U.S. partners address these challenges. Led by a dear colleague and friend, Scott Tayloe, IEP launched their new series of professional development workshops at the Forum on Education Abroad’s virtual conference last week. They have trained some our staff, and our own Dr. Jennifer Engel will offer a CIS Abroad-hosted seminar on student learning and faculty-led programs as part of the IEP workshop series.
If you or your colleagues are losing out on professional development opportunities due to COVID-19, need to pivot like we have, and/or perhaps have some budget remaining before the end of the fiscal year, we wanted to make you aware of this opportunity.
We feel confident in recommending IEP’s services to our partners, and if you are interested in participating, CIS Abroad Affiliate Partners will receive 25% off the IEP workshop series.
Who is the series designed for?
Whether you are an office that is faced with furloughing team members, heading into a hiring freeze, or drastically reducing your next fiscal year’s budget, now is the time to prepare for the road ahead. This series is for anyone wanting to take this unprecedented time and turn it into an opportunity to reinvigorate, strengthen and equip their team and campus stakeholders for the challenges ahead.
How does it work?
Select up to 3 sessions from the options listed to customize training to best suit the needs of your team. One full day of interactive training is 6 hours, done remotely.
Session Options:
Creative Capacity: Working With What You’ve Got
Budget cuts, layoffs and hiring freezes – we are hearing these words frequently. How can you possibly do the same work (or more) with less funding or staffing? Meet these challenges head on, by developing a plan to evaluate current office processes, identify inefficiencies, and discover practical solutions to help your team weather the current storm.
So…What Would You Say You Do Here? Showcasing Your Value
You know the strengths of your team, but do others? Learn how to create opportunities to showcase the value of your office and team to key stakeholders when it matters most.
How to Market Study Abroad When You Can’t Go Abroad
With so much uncertainty about when the world will open back up, it can be a challenge to keep your students and faculty engaged. Explore strategies for marketing in the current climate, as well as best practices for outreach and recruitment.
What To Do When the Unexpected Happens: Lessons Learned During a Pandemic
International Educators understand the importance of risk management and the need to have plans in place for all the what ifs that go hand and hand with our industry. But what happens when our best laid plans aren’t enough? Hear from university and partner organization professionals about strategies that work and help prepare your team to respond to the unexpected.
Fear and Loathing in Data
Data informed decisions are best, but let’s face it – data can be scary and frustrating. Explore simple tools that will allow you to let go of your fear and learn to love data.
The Database that Solves All Your Problems…..Doesn’t Exist
Databases and CRMs are incredible tools – when they are set up and implemented correctly. Discover helpful tips to get the most out of your database.
Infusing Student Learning into Faculty-Led Programming
CIS Abroad’s VP of Academic Affairs, Dr. Jenn Engel, guides potential, new, and seasoned faculty leaders through a workshop focused on methods for developing faculty-led programs that center on student learning outcomes, incorporate critical reflection, and engage students in truly immersive learning experiences.
CIS Abroad Affiliate Partners will receive a 25% discount for the three-part professional development series (Regular rate: $1,250); CIS Affiliate Partner Rate for Unlimited Participants – $937.50.
Anyone can join! We highly recommend including any colleagues who share space or goals with your office. Include your ISS colleagues and anyone who plays a role within international education in your office.
Book Your Dates
Book by May 15, 2020 and receive complimentary templates and tools, customized for your office. Let us know which sessions you’re interested in via this form, and we will be in touch with you.