Concentrating 3 months of new, life-changing experiences into one reflection is beyond my pedigree as a thinker and writer, but I can provide ambiguous advice. As an overachiever, I want to offer my insight on the benefits of intentionally limiting yourself to enjoy life abroad to the fullest.
Entering my study abroad burnt out from an overwhelming semester, I have loved all the new opportunities outside of my old routine. But keeping a balanced lifestyle where you bound your boundless interests is important to protect yourself from repeating a cycle of overexertion and exhaustion. Without further ado:
1. Set goals before you leave and accidentally finish them immediately
Before I left, I made a list of goals I wanted to accomplish to give my journey a sense of structure. One goal I created on a whim was to “dance when everyone’s watching." I have never been one to boogie, but being an overachiever, I wanted complete social exposure to challenge my natural state of introversion.
Within a few days of landing, I serendipitously went on a river cruise along the Chao Phraya in Bangkok with friends, and on that ship full of families, we were invited on stage to dance. Even worse, the singer gave me the mic, and I yelled “ROLL TIDE” to a boat-full of individuals who have probably never heard of SEC football.
Usually when I finish a goal, I look to find new ways to challenge myself. But this time, realizing I had completely fried my social behavior, I decided to see what I was capable of without the burden of strict expectations. This has given me the flexibility to explore my interests, like reading random books at the school library or wandering around Bangkok. More importantly, it has been an exercise in self-forgiveness.

I am already immersing myself in a completely new environment, and every week there is something different: a committed routine of creating and accomplishing goals can hinder exploration. Instead of replacing my goals, I have used my new space to explore to appreciate the influence of fresh ideas, passions, and people that are completely reforming my understanding of the world.
2. Try to do everything, stress yourself out, and set limits
If you are an overachiever like me, stressing yourself out is probably your favorite activity. While overseas, I have tried to take advantage of everything, inevitably causing physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion.
Every weekend for the first two months, traveling to Malaysia, Khao Yai, and Manila, I would experience stress-induced dissociation. I would shut off from my surroundings, and I would spend the rest of the weekend recovering, which would also set off everyone in my group.
For the first time since freshman year of high school, I forced myself to take adequate time to rest amidst the bustle of travel. If I started to feel overwhelmed, I would go take a nap, eat my favorite snacks (grilled banana, guava, and salted egg mochi), and watch a movie to decompress.
I have learned that making the most of travel requires finding and respecting your limits. Finding time daily to relax makes a world of difference recuperating from all the new things you encounter and helps make you ready for every new journey.
3. Force yourself to reflect
For me, journaling not only helps me keep tabs on my activities and thoughts but reveals my limits. Journaling creates a recorded history with which I can link causes to effects, tracking how changes in my lifestyle and recognition of my limits impact my decisions. Following my journey, I will appreciate how much I have changed in just three months and use my understanding of the past to inform my future. At the end of your journey, what you record sticks.
Remembering how I have learned to balance my life is a huge milestone for my personal growth, and I know keeping it with me will improve my habits far beyond my time in Thailand. Learning to set goals, set limits, and find time to rest and reflect has been worth every penny for travel and study this spring, and I wish the same for every other prospective study abroad overachiever.
Blog by Ansel Smith, University of Alabama - Tuscaloosa
Semester in Thailand - Mahidol University