Why Not Both?
Deciding to study abroad or travel independently can be extremely intimidating. However, have you ever thought about doing both? You certainly can! In this article, we will dive into two common misconceptions and benefits to studying and traveling abroad.
Misconception #1 – No room to travel independently
One misconception many students believe is that if you study abroad in a specific city or country, you cannot venture out. That is far from the truth! Studying abroad is your foot in the door to traveling independently. When you study abroad with us, you’re given the time and freedom to explore neighboring cities or countries that have been on your bucket list and at an affordable price!
Misconception #2 – No $$ for extra travel
Affordability can be another misconception that comes to mind. Airfare prices are generally affordable once you are overseas. If you don’t want to fly, perhaps take a train ride! This allows you to see some pretty spectacular sights for cheap too. I had the opportunity to study abroad in Scotland and can confidently say that’s where I grew the confidence to travel independently. Depending on the program and what term you choose as well as your class schedule plays a role into your free time, of course.
With my experience in Scotland, I had class Monday-Wednesday and on Thursday would either have a class excursion trip somewhere in Scotland (an amazing travel perk) or the freedom to do whatever I wanted! That means, sometimes I would have a 4-day weekend giving me the opportunity to venture out. I was able to go to the Scottish Highlands, England and Ireland during my summer there.
The benefits of study abroad
A huge benefit to studying abroad is getting to add your experience to your resume. Having this on your resume can set you apart from others! It also allows you to discuss the various skills you gained abroad! Another benefit is gaining or strengthening your independence. You’re in an unfamiliar location having to survive on your own. From figuring out how to get to school, where to get your groceries to the different modes of transportation; you are gaining skills along the way. From this, you are gaining the confidence in yourself to be more independent. It typically isn’t until you’re back home when you recognize just how much you benefited and learned but you’ll be grateful you went through it!
Ready to start your journey abroad? Take a look at CIS Abroad’s program offerings and get started today!