Meet Aubree, our newest Assistant Director of International Operations for the UK, Ireland, and Australia!
Aubree contemplating her next taco purchase in Playa del Carmen, Mexico.
Why are you excited to work for CIS Abroad?
Every person at CIS Abroad is passionate about studying abroad and fostering transformative intercultural exchange for students. As someone who also lives and breathes study abroad, it’s a dream come true to work with like-minded folks who are not only dedicated to international education, but also to having fun in the process!
Describe a memorable moment from abroad
Some of my most memorable experiences from abroad are befriending elderly locals. I find them to be approachable and full of good stories and fun. Last year while in Athens I befriended two elderly Greek men who owned a fruit stand near my apartment. They didn’t speak much English, nor I Greek, but they would excitedly teach me new vocabulary, feed me baklava and teach me dance moves in the street. Moments like those are the best travel souvenirs money can never buy.
Exploring Granada, Spain.
What has your career path looked like? How did you end up in the field of International Education?
During my undergraduate studies, I studied abroad for a semester in San Sebastian, Spain, and was completely transformed by the experience. After returning to the US, I knew I wanted to dedicate my life and career to international education. Upon graduating with a BA in Spanish, I returned to Spain to teach English in Seville for two years, and (later) taught ESL while in Colombia and Mexico. I received my Masters in Global Studies in Education from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, which greatly propelled my career into study abroad. For 10 years I have worked in international higher education in various study abroad roles, including Faculty-Led Programs Assistant, Study Abroad Advisor, and (most recently) Assistant Director of Study Abroad. And now I’m very excited to call CIS Abroad home!
Navigating the labyrinth of streets in Lisbon, Portugal.
A typical weekend for me is…
Spending time with loved ones, cooking, reading, getting fresh air, watching documentaries, playing with pups, naps.
5 words that describe yourself
Compassionate, adventurous, funny, open-minded, inquisitive
Travel Tip:
I have a strong scent-memory association, so whenever I travel somewhere new, I bring (or buy in-country) a new essential oil, perfume or scented lotion and wear it daily. After the trip, whenever I smell said fragrance, I am magically transported back to that place.