For the last several years, the “road warriors” of our university relations team have been working from their home offices when not visiting partners. We thought it would be fun to get the inside scoop on how to succeed at working from home. They are pros at working from home, but they’ve even had to get creative! Check out their tips below:
1. Get some fresh air
During these days of self-isolation and shelter-in-place, it’s important that we still find ways to get our Vitamin D and enjoy the fresh air. That’s why I like to take advantage of warm and sunny spring days and set up my remote work space outside when possible! – Zac Macinnes, Northeast Regional Director
Here’s Zac hard at work on his backyard patio in Hartford, Connecticut.
2. Separate your “home” and “work” time
In the morning, before work, go on a walk outside. When you return home and walk in the door, that’s you arriving at work. Do the same when you’re finished for the day– when you arrive back home, you’re done with work for the day. – Kent Moore, South Regional Director
3. Give yourself breaks AND exercise
Remember to give yourself a few breaks throughout the day. I schedule my work out around lunch so I’m able to get in some exercise. I return to my work feeling refreshed and ready to go again for another few hours. – Kylie Blount, West Regional Director
Kylie working out at home. “Yes that’s a Trader Joe’s soup carton that I’m using as weights (the things you wished you bought before shelter in place orders).”
4. One word: headphones
Headphones are critical, especially if you have a partner who is also working from home. Otherwise, we’re all yelling at our computers in meetings to make sure our remote colleagues can hear us! – Aaron Faucher, Assistant Director of Custom Programs
5. Drink plenty of high quality H20
Drinking water has proven to help brain function. It also helps your joints and muscles, and gives you endurance for that home workout you have scheduled for later! – Veelie Alba, Midwest Regional Director
Other Resources
We also love the post NAFSA recently shared with an excellent list of “Resources for Online Telework and Learning” Happy remote working, folks. We can do this!
Learn more out the CIS Abroad regional directors in their intro videos.
Do you have students looking to build their resume while honing their working from home skills? Our new Virtual Internship programs might be a good fit.