CIS Blog

Top 10 Reasons to Intern Abroad

Written by CISabroad Blog Team | Nov 1, 2017 3:10:54 AM

Every year, more than 25,000 U.S. students intern abroad.

Why should you join them? Because nothing beats real-world experience! Not to mention these Top 10 Reasons to Intern Abroad...

1. Impress employers with a resume filled with real-world experience.
Firstly, not only will you stand apart from other job-seekers on paper, you’ll also be memorable in an interview. Make sure to explain through storytelling how your internship abroad prepared you for challenging work situations.

2. Build a lasting network of international colleagues and friends.
Interning abroad for a semester or summer is a great start to an international professional network. Plus, who doesn’t love having friends across the globe?

3. Stack up academic credits, all while saving money.
It’s true - for many programs, selecting an intern abroad option for credit can often COST LESS than the semester sticker price for the same location! Living abroad, stacking up work experience, AND earning credits at the same time? Mind blown. (Check out for more information. Our partner, Plymouth State University, offers credits in most majors.)

Lauren Kelly, a Marketing Major at USC Columbia, participated in CISabroad's Intern in Barcelona program in Summer 2016.

4. Try your career before you dive into it.
Choosing to intern abroad in your field of interest allows you to really see what the day-to-day is like for the career you have in mind. And who knows? You might find the (different) career of your dreams while abroad! Many students tell us that living abroad helped them sort out what they truly wanted to do with their lives.

5. Leap outside your comfort zone.
It may sound cliché, but this is another time-tested truth bomb! Pushing yourself to experience new cultures, different ways of living, and environments different from what you’re used to is a positive way to break out of your (too?) comfortable routine.

6. Boost your professional chops in the workplace.
You’ll start that first job after college leaps and bounds ahead of your peers - already having navigated the ins and outs of the professional workplace setting.

Ali Mowers, a Communications Major at Shippensburg University, completed CISabroad's Intern in New Zealand program during Summer 2016.

7. Learn a new language - including workplace lingo.
Challenging yourself to intern abroad offers something you’ll don't often get in the U.S. - an opportunity to learn and practice a foreign language. But don’t worry! Most of our internship placements are in English-speaking workplaces, so you’ll have a lot of opportunities to learn from your new colleagues.

8. Get the real scoop from locals on the best places to visit.
Not only do you get to live abroad while you intern, but with CISabroad, you’ll also live like a local. Our well-loved site directors make sure to show you where the locals shop, eat, and play. By the time you come home, you’ll be the one giving recommendations!

9. Become a more confident, self-aware, and independent YOU.
Returning students tell us some of the most lasting effects of their intern abroad experience are in the realm of self-growth. From the surge of confidence that comes from independence to the reflection that meeting people from all over the globe spurs, one thing’s for sure - you won’t be the same.

Colin Murphy, a Telecommunications Major at Youngstown State University, spent Summer 2017 in CISabroad's Intern in Argentina program.

10. Lastly - make unforgettable memories and have the time of your life!
Forget the hundreds of photos you’ll take, the blog you’ll try to remember to update, the mementos you tuck away for home. After interning abroad, you will have the endless gift of closing your eyes and being transported. Back to a place that taught you about yourself in ways you never thought possible, helped you become a more engaged global citizen, and opened many professional doors!

Did any of these 10 reasons inspire you to intern abroad? Our helpful CISabroad advisors are ready when you are to talk more about your goals and how an internship abroad can prepare you for them. Reach them by chat or email anytime.

Ready to learn more about CISabroad’s internships, including example placements and our application process? Check out our Internships Abroad digital resource or browse programs at

You (yes, you!) can save $250 on an internship abroad program with CISabroad! Simply use the promo codes listed below on your application. Talk to an advisor for more info.