CIS Blog

How to Stay Healthy When Studying Abroad | Intern Blog from Barcelona

Written by CISabroad Blog Team | Apr 10, 2019 5:14:37 PM

In Summer 2018, nutrition major Dara Levy interned in Barcelona with CISabroad. At the end of her internship, she made this video with some tips on how to stay healthy while studying abroad.

Watch the Video

Read Dara's Tips on How to Stay Healthy While Studying Abroad

1. Cook your own meals

If you have access to a kitchen, you should take advantage of it to save so much money and cook healthier at the same time.

2. Try new foods

Have fun with this, but remember you don't have to eat chocolate croissants all day every day!

3. When you eat out, choose healthy restaurants

A lot of countries have healthy restaurants, such as this one, where I’ve been interning.

4. Stave off hunger with snacks!

When you go to work or classes, you should pack healthy snacks like these!

I know it’s really tempting to buy that can of soda, but you can get a bottle of juice or water instead!

5. Get creative with your exercise

When people hear the word “exercise”, they think about going to the gym. It does not have to mean that.

There are tones of ways to exercise for free. It is cheaper to walk or bike instead of taking the bus or metro! Find the nearest ocean or lake and kayak there! If you see people dancing, you should join in!

6. CISabroad is here to help

CISabroad provides an excellent guide and they include suggestions for exercise and where to grab healthy food.

7. Remember to get a good night's sleep

Staying healthy does not only include eating healthy and exercising. It also means getting a good night of sleep.

Learn more about Interning in Barcelona